Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Today I am sharing a couple of paintings that deal with mental illness, something that is more prevalent than many people think. In fact I myself never thought of what I was going through as “mental illness” for a very long time, and viewing it in that light was instrumental for me in dealing with those issues in my own life. These paintings may be more or less simple on the surface but there is more than meets the eye. In one way they deal with being strong and pursuing the desire to push through the chaos, in another way they deal with almost a denial that it's even there. Sometimes a “denial” of a mental illness helps you, in other times it causes a lot more harm than good.

When speaking about "denying" it is important to distinguish between denying that the illness exists and denying that the symptoms control us. The first is bad, the latter is very important to master. I personally have dealt with crippling panic disorder and chronic depression for most of my life. Sometimes denying these is a strength that allows you not to be affected by it, sometimes it is a weakness that stops you from facing them and dealing with them. Painting is certainly a great, therapeutic way to deal with them for me.

This first painting deals with my personal struggles with mental illness. The title is “I’m Not Confused, You’re Confused”. It deals with both being stuck in chaos, seeking out of the chaos and finding your way out of the chaos. Being aware of the so called “chaos” (the mental illness) is the first step to seeking a way out or a way to deal with it. Trying to find the cause of the illness and the things that trigger it is another issue. Knowing the difference between when your mind is simply reacting to circumstances or when it is acting outside or the normative response to day-to-day events. It all can be overwhelming and confusing, but self-awareness is key to dealing with these issues. Making a mess on canvas is also a great way to let it out!
I'm Not Confused, You're Confused
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas & Canvas Panel
12" x 16"

This following painting, which also deals with mental illness in the same way, is dedicated to my beloved wife, Kristal KC. Kristal, who is an amazing artist and the awesome mother to my children also battles with mental illness, but came out strong and thriving. So we are one crazy couple! What a journey! I am refraining from elaborating upon it too much here because this is her battle, one that we certainly went through together, but it would be for her to decide if she wants to talk about it, and I know that she does want to. When she is ready, I will certainly make a post about it with her. Much like the previous piece, and as the title states, it is about coming out of a state of chaos. The first key was to understand that you were in a state of chaos that was outside of your control in order to seek a way out.
Out of Chaos
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas & Canvas Panel
10" x 12"

© 2023 Pascal Leo Cormier. All Rights Reserved.

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