Saturday, January 31, 2009

MY Interview on Radio Canda(CBC)

Greetings people,

On Tuesday, January 20th(2009), I was interviewed by Radio Canada Television(CBC) at my Studio. They interviewed me about my work and what I had lined up in the future, etc.
This came about when a friend's friend who works at the Station in the Arts and Culture asked me if I was up for doing something with them, I said sure! About a month later she called me and it was done the next day and aired the next day. These people are very last minute! It went really well. Of course, what you see is only about one third of the interview. The segment was to be two minutes and I was interviewed for about five minutes. The segment was aired on January 20th at around 6:20PM Atlantic time.
Since the interview was in French, I arranged it to have English subtitles, thanks to RJ Forbes who helped me edit out my part of the show and add the subtitles for me. Here is the video!


Graziella said...

Bravo Pascal!

-La Graziella

Pascalistic said...

Merci Graz! J'ais manqué ce message ici! :P