Friday, August 7, 2020


Hi friends!

We have been settling in in Gagetown for a while now. It is a journey! I am not painting as much as I would like. I am reassessing my approach to my work for one, the natural surroundings are certainly playing a part in that, but primarily the family life with a baby, taking care of a property while trying to find work has not been easy and is taking a lot of my time! Well, all of that aside, I did manage to create a little something lately that I quite enjoy. I always loved the idea of mounting things into my paintings, although I have not done a lot of it in the past. This was a fun idea, to create a therapeutic, cloudy sky and showcase one of nature's beautiful pieces. Everything that comes from this earth is a beautiful work of art and I thank God for every moment. This piece makes me think a lot about not only appreciating nature but about how to approach my work in this new journey.

Acrylic & Wood Bark on Wood Panel
9" x 10"