Thursday, September 28, 2023

Looking forward | In Between Seasons

Here I have two new pieces that I just finished. With the winter coming, I can't help but already look forward to next summer! Don't get me wrong here, I think that winter is beautiful and it has it's charms, but I would be much happier if it lasted two months as opposed to the long, nearly 5 months of it that we get where I live!

I really like how these paintings turned out. Delicate and simple. While they deal with seasons on the surface, they are about much more than that. These paintings are about different perspectives and different points of view. As always, I am tackling the idea that there is often more to what we are looking at. When looking at beautiful scenery, we see one moment in time during one season and under a particular weather, but this scenery is continuously changing, much like the way we may look at or watch something, whether it be a landscape, a movie or a work of art, or listen to something or read something again and again and we keep finding new meanings and new treasures in the same places as we grow as a person.

Often I have worked on a painting and I found myself completely stuck where I had no idea how to finish it. Most of the time I have a fairly concrete idea of what my painting will be before I start but occasionally I will hit a wall of uncertainty. When this happens, I have to set the painting aside, often out of sight, for a while. Sometimes these paintings can be collecting dust for up to a few years before I get back to them. Most of the time, when I find them again and get to see them with new eyes, a new perspective with new experiences under my belt, it suddenly is clear as to what needs to be done to finish them. Many times in life we are not ready for certain things because we have not acquired the right amount of living and therefore we do not have the right eyes to see what is there yet.

This makes me think of Italian classical composer Ludovico Einaudi. My wife introduced me to his music and we love him. Einaudi composed and recorded seven albums entitled SEVEN DAYS WALKING that were inspired by his daily walks during that time in the Alps. He explained that although his walks were almost always in the same trails, he would notice new things every day. His seven albums (Day One, Day Two, Day Three, etc.) all have the same songs for the most part in different orders and played a little differently each time. They represent that while he was walking the same path, it was a little bit different each day. My wife and I are absolutely in love with the album and I deem them all absolute masterpieces. You can hear Day One HERE.

These paintings are influenced by this concept. They are about growing and changing. There is always more than meets the eyes…
Looking Forward
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas & Canvas Panel
14" x 18"

In Between Seasons
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas & Canvas Panel
12" x 16"

© 2023 Pascal Leo Cormier. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ian Summach - Golden Age

Dear friends,

When I was approached to create this single cover illustration for Saskachewan musician Ian Summach, I was blown away at how amazing the music was. His new song Golden Age is out now and you should go listen to it in the link below and share it! This music needs to be spread out!


© 2023 Ian Summach. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Mount Baker

My wife Kristal is originally from Victoria, British Columbia and I wanted to paint somekind of landscape that linked to Victoria. Upon doing some research I kept falling on photos of Mount Baker, which is in Washington DC, USA, but it can be seen from Victoria BC and it is a popular site. I decided to paint Mount Baker my way. The original was done around 2019, but I revited it this year, almost completely repainted it and added the framed eye, because again, everywhere you look, something is looking back...
Mount Baker
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas & Canvas Panel
16" x 20"

© 2023 Pascal Leo Cormier. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

High Expectations

The third of my trio series: High Expectations. The woman's battle with the high expectations she faces on a day to day basis.
High Expectations
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas and Canvas Panel
14" x 18"

© 2023 Pascal Leo Cormier. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Beat But Undefeated

I decided to created a mini series of three based on my "Completely Bananas" piece. This is my second piece, "Beat But Undefeated". It's not just a piece about boxing but about the life of a man, both physically, mentally and spiritually.
Beat But Undefeated
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas and Canvas Panel
14" x 18"

© 2023 Pascal Leo Cormier. All Rights Reserved.