Monday, August 5, 2019

The Village of Gagetown - New Chapter

Well, here we are! Me, my wife Kristal and our baby Emma are now officially moved to the Village of Gagetown, New-Brunswick! This is quite the change from Montreal! Let's see what this adventure brings!

Friday, July 26, 2019


Dear friends, I am so delighted to announce that my beloved Kristal KC and I just got married! <3

Monday, May 20, 2019

Goodbye Dear Montreal

Dear Montreal, We love you so much, but we must leave you :( .
( Photo from Wikipedia )

After the birth of our daughter Emma, Kristal and I have been trying to find a decent apartment for our little family. Living in a tiny, cluttered bachelor apartment with a little baby is not a great fit. We have been looking and looking but it seems impossible to find available apartments that will take us. After considering all of our options, we have decided to move to New-Brunswick. Kristals is originally from Victoria, BC. Her dad is from New-Brunswick and her mom is from Victoria. I am originally from New-Brunswick. Kristal has been in Montreal for 11 years and I have been in Montreal for nearly 8 years. We both met here, we recently got engaged and had our little baby. Kristal's parents now live in New-Brunswick as do mine, and her parents own and rent a house in the small Village of Gagetown, New-Brunswick. Kristal and I figured that moving into that house seems to be our best option at the moment. For one it's a house, and both of our parents live in New-Brunswick. Now that we have a baby, family is getting more and more important. Montreal is my favorite place in the world. I will miss it so much. I have made so many friends in the art and music community there, created so much art there, exhibited at many galleries, saw the best art exhibitions of my life and the best music shows of my life. A big piece of my heart will for ever be there! Gagetown will be a massive change of life and scenery for us! Let's see how this new chapter goes!